
Collective agreement

Your collective agreement is written contract with our employer that has been negotiated through collective bargaining between our committee and Good Spirit School Division.  It contains your rights and responsibilities at work, wage details, leave information and more.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your steward or a member of the executive.


Our bylaws are the rules for how CUPE Local 4784 democratically elects our representatives, and how the local is organized and run. These bylaws closely follow the guidelines set out by CUPE National and are approved by membership and CUPE national.

Bylaws_Approved_by_Membership_and National_Local_4784_Good_Spirit_SD_2022_11_01



This Benefit Booklet has been specifically designed with your needs in mind, providing easy access to the information you need about the benefits to which you are entitled.

Manulife Benefit Information.aspx

Group Benefits are important, not only for the financial assistance they provide, but for the security they provide for you and your family, especially in case of unforeseen needs.

Your employer can answer any questions you may have about your benefits, or how to submit a claim.


Your ComPsych® GuidanceResources® program offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need them.

Call: 833.515.0766

TTY: 877.373.4763

Your toll-free number gives you direct, 24/7 access to a GuidanceConsultantSM, who will answer your questions and, if needed, refer you to a counsellor or other resources.

Online: App: GuidanceNowSM

Log on today to connect directly with a GuidanceConsultant about your issue or to consult articles, podcasts, videos and other helpful tools.

ComPysh What is the EAP

ComPsych emotional support

Contact us anytime



CUPE 4784 members have negotiated pensions through the Saskatchewan Municipal Employees Pension Plan (MEPP).  If you have questions about your eligibility for the plan and are not able to get good answers from the employer, please talk to your shop steward or a member of the executive.

Municipal Employees' Pension Plan
Toll Free: 877-506-6377

You have access to a free retirement consultation with a Certified Financial Planner professional, and they are happy to meet with you to help answer your pension questions.  Schedule a phone consult by calling 306-787-3170 or emailing


The winners of the CUPE 4784 Scholarship bursaries are below, click on the link to read the winning applicants entries.  We are so proud that we were able to help out with your education endeavours, congratulations and good luck to everyone who applied.

Winner of the 2021 Bursary are:  Marsaidy Hallbach and Hayleigh Prier

CUPE Bursary 2020-recipient

CUPE Bursary 2019 - 2- recipient

CUPE  Bursary 2019- recipient

CUPE 4784 Bursary



The bursaries have been established to assist dependents of and/or the spouses of CUPE 4784 who are attending a post-secondary educational institution. There will be two (2) - five hundred dollars ($500) awards presented annually.


1.  Applicants must be registered in a recognized post-secondary educational institution and have a parent or legal guardian or spouse who is a member in good standing in CUPE 4784. CUPE 4784 bursary committee reserves the right to request verification of current attendance/registration in the post-secondary institution.

2. Applicants must submit a BRIEF ESSAY which illustrates why they should be awarded the CUPE 4784 Bursary.   How has the union helped you and your family?  As well as listing where they are currently enrolled, their volunteer activities, and current hobbies. 

3. All submissions shall be judged by members of the Bursary Committee of CUPE 4784 and without direct consultation with nor interference from the CUPE 4784 Executive or general membership.

5. All applications become the property of CUPE 4784.

6. Bursary recipients shall be notified of their award in writing.  

7. A letter will be sent to all CUPE 4784 work places to be posted on the CUPE 4784 bulletin boards announcing the successful recipients.

8. Should applications not meet CUPE 4784 criteria Bursaries may not be awarded.