Welcome to CUPE 4784

Greetings 4784 Members,

In 2006 when the school division amalgamations occurred, seven CUPE legacy locals in East central Saskatchewan joined together and became CUPE 4784. Over the years we have seen our numbers grow to where we are now – approximately 250 members!

Local 4784 executive members are committed to staying up to date with the every changing Saskatchewan labour laws, with occupational health and safety regulations and advocating for strong public services. Our executive members attend weekend and evening courses, weeklong schools, conventions and sector meetings to ensure we are prepared and able to represent members to the best of our ability. 

I enjoy the challenge of being president and very much look forward to meeting our members face to face whenever the opportunity arises. Nothing can ever beat the success of these personal interactions. Government funding for education has decreased over the past decade and as a result we strive to keep our wages and benefits comparable to the rest of the K-12 education sector in SK. We work hard at the bargaining table to achieve gains for our members. We advocate for stable and adequate public funding for pre-K-12 education. 

Our local has a strong tradition of having a very amicable relationship with senior Good Spirit School Division staff. We, as CUPE education workers are dedicated to supporting the learning of all students throughout the school year, and we continue to support the best possible learning environment for our provinces future. Our membership is proud to work with the rest of the GSSD staff to support a better work environment, an improved learning environment for our students and ultimately healthier communities.

CUPE at the local, provincial, national and international level fight for fairness, equality and dignity for all! We empower our young workers, we fight for: women’s rights, racial equity, dignity for the disabled, justice for indigenous peoples and to be strong allies. We advocate for improvements to public health care as well as the Canada Pension Plan, which would improve our communities and the lives of all Canadians.  CUPE has made Canada a better place to live for millions of workers and their families. 

I am very proud CUPE member and am thrilled to belong to a national organization that has over 700 000 members. I look forward to continuing to serve the members of our local. Please reach out to myself or any of our executive members if you have a question, concern, or just to chat!

In Solidarity, 

Karla Sastaunik
CUPE 4784 President